WHY IT'S IMPORTANT TO BUY QUALITY TEA: MEDICAL DAILY "Could Tea Be Bad For You? 5 Tea Ingredients That Are Harming Your Health"
Be careful when consuming commercial brands of tea. Brands like 'TEAVANA', and 'Celestial Seasonings' are filled with pesticides, artificial flavourings and things that you don't want to put into your bodies. Tea can have incredible health benefits and taste wonderful. Great quality tea can do wonders for your health and well being. Be conscious of what you put into your bodies whether it be a cup of tea (which may seem innocent) or a slice of cake. Madame ZuZu's curates all of our foods + teas to be made of the finest ingredients and farmed from areas where organic, traditional, loving farming is celebrated. We thank our partners Rare Tea Cellar and Farm to People to take initiative in sourcing the best of the best.
Know your brands and celebrate the good stuff!
Below is an article explaining more of what is in main stream brands of tea and why you should think twice: